Kaori Osumi's music background

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I was born in Japan, and began learning classical piano at the age of five. From almost the beginning, I had perfect pitch, and could copy and play music without music theory. In fact, I discovered or figured out a lot of music theory and laws on my own, including 12 scales and the cycle of fifth and fourth.I played sonatinas, and sonatas changing various keys, and enjoying modulation from an early age. Although I was not at the top of my class, my perfect pitch, comprehension of music theory, and the ability to compose music were considered excellent by my teachers.
Until the age of seventeen, I had not been exposed to any other musical genre except classical, such as Beethoven, Mozart, and so on.In Japan, piano and almost all music education use only classical music, especially from Germany, as the basis for learning as this music is considered superior to all others.
At seventeen, I was exposed to and became interested in various kinds of music such as jazz, rock, popular and other so-called light music styles after hearing the music of Richard Clayderman. Unfortunately, my parents did not approve of this type of music so my exposure was limited.When I entered university with a major in chemistry, my parents stopped my music lessons so that I would focus entirely on my university studies,and I had to study very hard.
After I graduated from university, I became a computer programmer. This job was very demanding with long hours, so I still could not spend time on my music. This continued for several years, and, then at twenty-eight, I truly understood that music, especially jazz, was my life’s vocation.The timing was right as the next year I got married, and was able to resign from my job, and concentrate on my music. I taught myself how to play jazz, and when my husband’s company transferred us to Sydney,Australia from December, 1993 until March, 1999, I found opportunities to play in public. I played jazz or rock at nursing homes, and I taught jazz piano to adult students.
When we returned to Japan, I continued to play in community centres, and to participants in JICA, as well as to teach jazz piano. I was happy to volunteer, and to teach private lessons, but these didn’t satisfy my need to play real jazz with serious fellow musicians in front of an audience.
I met a lady who is a jazz piano teacher, and, after hearing me play, she recommended that I join jam sessions in bars for more experience. Soon after, in November of 2004, we were transferred to Canada, but I don’t know where to find such places. Also it seemed that joining a group of serious musicians is more appealing to me. I am looking for such a group, especially in Mississauga. Please let me know, if you want to play with me.

Kaori Osumi
